Treasures of Bulgaria & Turkey

15 Days / 14 Nights

Day 1 : SOFIA
Arrive in Sofia. Transfer to hotel. Rest of the day and evening at leisure.

Day 2 : SOFIA
After a leisurely breakfast see the most remarkable landmarks of Sofia. Visit St Alexander Nevski Cathedral, this is the finest architectural piece and the biggest memorial Church on the Balkan Peninsula; the Church of St Sofia gave the capital's name in the 14th century; Sofia University, the first school of higher education in Bulgaria. National Library, and the National Assembly; one of the prettiest churches in Sofia, the Russian Church of St. Nikolay; the building of the Bulgarian Kings Palace of the third Bulgarian Kingdom. At present it hosts the National Gallery; and the Presidency. In the yard of Presidency is located the St George Rotunda, dating back from IV AD, with its well-preserved early medieval frescoes. Here are also the II century Byzantine ruins; the St Nedelya Church, built in the period 1856 n- 1863 onto relis from the ancient Roman town of Serdica; National Palace of Culture, the largest multi functional complex for cultural and congress in South-Eastern Europe. Afternoon at leisure. Enjoy dinner at a local Bulgarian restaurant. Overnight in Sophia.

Day 3: SOFIA – Pleven – Ivono Rock Churches - RUSSE
Morning, depart for Pleven. Visit the Panorama “Pleven Epopee 1877”. Continue to Ivanovo Rock Churches. They form a monastery complex comprising about 20 medieval churches, chapels and cells with uncovered traces of more than 300 rooms. Dinner and overnight in Russe.

Day 4: RUSSE - SveshtariMadara -VARNA
Morning ride for the village of Sveshtari - Visit the Thracian tomb of Sveshtari It is a Thracian-Hellenistic tomb from the first half of the 3rd century BC. Afterwards drive to the village of Madara and visit of Madara horseman. The Madara horseman is the only rock relief in Europe dated back to the early Middle Ages. Continue to Varna - the pearl of the Black Sea and Bulgaria’s sea-side capital. Dinner and overnight in Varna.

Day 5: VARNA – Nessebur - KAZANLAK
After breakfast explore Varna. Visit the Ancient Odessos, VІ-th century BC, the Archeological Complex of the Roman Thermal, the Necropolis, 3000 yers BC, the Early Christian Basilica, ІV century BC, and the Cathedral. After lunch continue to Nessebur. The old town of Nessebur is situated on a small Black Sea peninsula, and is connected to the land via a narrow isthmus. Dinner and overnight in Kazanlak

Visit of the Thracian tomb of Kazanlak. The tomb, dated late 4th century B.C. It is a rare example of the architectural craft of the Thracians and the art of painting during the Hellenistic age. It is the oldest one in Europe, and the only one with preserved frescoes. Drive to Plovdiv, the Second Largest city of Bulgaria. Sightseeing tour of Plovdiv with visit of the Old town of Plovdiv, ( who combines some periods of the history of the city all in one, starting with the early years of the Roman rule and reaching the culmination of the architecture during the Renaissance, when most of the houses in this architectural preserve were built ). See the House of Balaban, the House of the French intellectual Lamartine, The house of Nikola Nedkovich (1862 – 1863). In the Old town of Plovdiv see the Ancient Theatre, one of the greatest and most famous attractions.such as the fortified walls of Filipopol, the St. Konstantin and Elena’s Church, built in 1832. During Plovdiv city tour see also the city center and the most remarkable Djumaia Mosque (15thcentury) today an art and architectural monument.. Dinner and overnight in Plovdiv..

Day 7: PLOVDIV – border – Dardanelles - Troy - ASSOS
In the morning drive to Turkish Bulgarian border. Cross the border noon time. After lunch cross the Dardenells by ferry boat to Asia. Visit the site of
Troy, the homeric city. Dinner and overnight in Assos.

Day 8: ASSOS – Pergamum - IZMIR
After a lovely drive to
Pergamum, lunch in town. Visit the Acropolis of Helenistic Pergamum. Among its buildings are the Altar of Zeus and the temples of Trajan & Dionysus. Visit the Asclepion, the earliest health center of Asia Minor. Continue to Izmir. Dinner and overnight.

Day 9: IZMIR – Ephesus - KUSADASI
Morning drive to Ephesus. Visit the
Basilica of St. John’s, his tomb and the House of Virgin Mary. Afternoon tour Ephesus with its legendary marble streets, the magnificent amphitheatre, Hadrian Temple and Celcus Library. Reach Kusadasi for dinner. In evening stroll through the shops and overnight.

After breakfast drive to Pamukkale. En route visit Aphrodisias
, the city of Aphrodite, an ancient city of sculpture and arts. Tour the theater and the magnificent stadium. Afternoon arrive to Pamukkale, the "cotton castle" so named because of limestone hot springs and spectacular white rock formations. Overnight in Pamukkale.

Morning head north to Konya, the capital of the Seljuk Empire. In the afternoon touring the highlights of Konya’s architectural and religous legacy. Visit the
Mevlana Museum Monastery of Whirling Dervishes, the Ince Minare and Karatay Medrese Islamic Theological Schools. Dinner and overnight in Konya.

In the morning drive to Cappadocia. Stop at the
Sultanhan Caravanserai. In the afternoon visit the Kaymakli underground city, used by the early Christian refugees to escape from persecuters. Stay the night at Cappadocia.

Start out early for a full day’s excursion into the magical land of Cappadocia. The region was first settled by ancient people then home to Romans, early Christians, Byzantines and Seljuks. Visit
Goreme Church Valley, Zelve, Avanos, Ortahisar and Uchisar, and see some of the many churches carved into the rocks. Dinner and overnight.

Early morning drive to Kayseri for your flight to Istanbul. Upon arrival
start tour of the best of Istanbul's stunning architecture and attractions. The impressive Hippodrome is your first stop. Then visit the Blue Mosque named for the vivid Iznik tiles which line its interior. Browse the amazing Topkapi Palace-official residence of the Ottoman Sultans-with courts, pavilions, mosques, fountains and a treasury. After lunch vist the jewel in Turkey's Byzantine crown-the Museum of St Sophia. This splendid Church of Divine Wisdom was originally built in the 4th century AD and was lovingly restored in the 1900s, reflecting the true history of the glorious city of Istanbul. At the end of the day enjoy shopping at the Grand Bazaar.

Day 15: Departure

Transfer to Istanbul airport for your flight to your next destination.

Classic Tour of Bulgaria & Turkey

18 Days / 17 Nights

Day 1 : SOFIA
Arrive in Sofia. Transfer to hotel. Rest of the day and evening at leisure.

Day 2 : SOFIA
After a leisurely breakfast see the most remarkable landmarks of Sofia. Visit St Alexander Nevski Cathedral, this is the finest architectural piece and the biggest memorial Church on the Balkan Peninsula; the Church of St Sofia gave the capital's name in the 14th century; Sofia University, the first school of higher education in Bulgaria. National Library, and the National Assembly; one of the prettiest churches in Sofia, the Russian Church of St. Nikolay; the building of the Bulgarian Kings Palace of the third Bulgarian Kingdom. At present it hosts the National Gallery; and the Presidency. In the yard of Presidency is located the St George Rotunda, dating back from IV AD, with its well-preserved early medieval frescoes. Here are also the II century Byzantine ruins; the St Nedelya Church, built in the period 1856 n- 1863 onto relis from the ancient Roman town of Serdica; National Palace of Culture, the largest multi functional complex for cultural and congress in South-Eastern Europe. Afternoon at leisure. Enjoy dinner at a local Bulgarian restaurant. Overnight in Sophia.

After breakfast depart for Arbanassi village. Visit to Troyan monastery. Troyan monastery must have been in existence long before the l5th century, as legends suggest. It flourished again about the year 1600. From the oldest church it is only the throne stone that has been preserved. Towards the beginning of the l9th century the monastic brotherhood re-erected the monastery. In 1835 master Konstantin built a wonderful main church which was painted by Zahari Zograph in 1847-1849. Afterwards panoramic tour of Arbanassi. It is one of the most picturesque Bulgarian villages. It is situated only 4 km away from Veliko Tarnovo. Austere houses that resemble minor fortresses on the outside. with high, solid walls and heavy gates, iron, rids and secret hiding-places, but which are spacious and comfortable, richly decorated and furnished on the inside. Dinner and overnight in Arbanassi.

Day 4: ARBANASSI – Veliko Tarnovo – Bozhentsi - KMETOVTSI
In the morning tour of Veliko Tarnovo. Veliko Tarnovo is situated in Central Bulgaria it the skirts of Balkan Mountain. It is situated on the historical hills Tsarevets, Trapezica and Sveta Gora – over Yantra river. During this City tour, see the Tsarevets Hill. it was the main fortress of the medieval Bulgarian capital Veliko Tarnovo. During that period of the Second Bulgarian Kingdom Bulgaria was the largest and the most powerful state in Southeastern Europe. Today it is thoroughly studied and partially restored.And above all these the complex of the Patriarch's Palace was raising its walls high towards the sky. It has been restored nowadays. The interior of the Patriarch's Church has been decorated with modern wallpainting, representing miscellaneous moments of the history and culture of Medieval Bulgaria; "The Renaissance and the Constituent Assembly" Museum That is the place, where the first Prince of independent Bulgaria - Alexander Batenberg - was choosen; and here, too, in 1885 was taken the decision for the annexation of Eastern Roumeliya to the Kingdom of Bulgaria.; Samovodene Marketplace was the central place of Veliko Tarnovo. Many craftsmen worked and offered their merchandise to the passers-by: blacksmiths, coppersmiths, gunsmiths, potters, confectioners, saussage- makers and others. A great part of the houses and the workshops in the street are fully restored today. The craftsmen, who work there in front of the eyes of the public, use the original technologies and tools. The numerous antiquarian and souvenir shops offer unique pieces of art or copies of ancient jewellery, guns, ceramics, and woodcarving; Gurko Street - Those of the tourists, who enjoy the beautiful sights, often can be seen taking a walk along the cobbled Gurko Street, with the inevitable cameras in hands. The houses in it, built during the 18th and the 19th centuries, raise amphitheatrically one above the other, reflected picturesquely in the river below; The monument of the Assens is dedicated to the Bulgarian kings Assen 1st, Peter, Kaloyan and Ivan Assen 2d - the sovereigns, during which reign /1185-1241/ the Bulgarian Medieval State with Tarnovgrad as its capital reaches its highest political, economical and cultural point. Stambolov Bridge, one of the most remarkable objects in the city. Under the bridge’s arch planes flied once. The bridge was built by the order of Stefan Stanbolov – prime minister at that time. The bridge is 100 m long and 30 m high. It was built in 1892. Visit the Dryanovo monastery. In existence as early as in the Second Bulgarian Kingdom, it was subsequently destryed and re-built on two occasions. It was restored in its present location - in the Dryanovo River gorge, 4 km away from the town of Dryanovo - in 1845. Relics of the April epopee are preserved in the monastery museum today, along with some valuable icons. Afterwards proceed to Bojentsi museum village. The village of Bozhentsi boasts a 600 year history. It is a wonderfully preserved Revival-type village. There are over 120 monuments of culture dating from the ХVІІІ and ХІХ centuries – houses, economic buildings, gates, draw-wells, cobblestone pavements. In 1964, it was registered as an architectural and historical reserve. Dinner and overnight in Kmetovtsi

Day 5: KMETOVTSI – Etara – Kazanlak - ZERAVNA
In the morning visit ETARA. The unique in South-eastern Europe open-air ethnographic museum is situated 8km south of the centre of Gabrovo. The setting up of this unique museum began in 1963 and continued 13 years, till 1976. Etara gives an idea of the authentic life of a typical Bulgarian craftsmanship settlement 150 years back. The little cobblestone streets, the stone fountains, the water mills whiz, the gas lanterns, the clock tower, the old houses recreate the spirit of the Bulgarian Renaissance. The craftsmen’s workshops show more than 20 crafts: wood-carving, copper pots striking, pipe making, cow-bell making, bakery, knife forging, weaving, braid-making, furriery, turnery, clay pottery-making . Visitors can watch the process of making the articles with their own eyes. Silver ornaments, pottery articles, copper utensils, braids, hot buns, traditional dishes and clothing come out of the dextrous hands of the masters there). Afterlunch continue to Kazanlak and visit Thracian Tomb. Dinner and overnight in Zeravna.

Day 6: ZERAVNA – Kotel - KALOFER
After a leisure breakfast, tour Zeravna and the nearby town of Kotel. Zeravna is a village located in the middle of the eastern part of the Stara Planina. The region is very picturesque: high peaks, fantastic rocks, and wide green glades. The village appears in 12- 14 c. In 18 c. it is a craft and cultural center. Every house here is a unique monument of culture built by an unknown master. “St Nikolai” church in the village of Zheravna is built and sanctified in 1834. it is built near an old temple burned down at the beginning of the thirties of XIX century. Kotel is situated in a picturesque small valley in the eastern part of the Balkan Range, 527 m above the sea level. Kotel is not only a place with majestic nature, fresh air, and pure mountain water, but also an important cultural and historical centre. It is called the Stronghold of Bulgarian spirit, Cradle of the Bulgarian Renaissance.
Kotel is a town with beautiful architectonic models from the late Revival and one of the most important centres of weaving art. Its rich history, Renaissance architecture, and marvelous vicinity make this picturesque Balkan town a desired place for national and international tourism. The town of Kotel has been declared an architectural and historical reserve. There have been preserved over 110 Renaissance houses. Depart to the National revival town of Kalofer. Kalofer is situated along both banks of Tundja River, between the Balkan and the Sredna Gora Mountains. Above it stands the highest peak in the Balkan range – Botev peak. It is the birthplace of the great Bulgarian poet and revolutionary Hristo Botev. First of all, there is the “Hristo Botev” house-museum. Dinner and overnight in Kalofer.

Day 7: KALOFER – Karlovo – Koprivshtitsa - SOFIA
In the morning drive to Koprivshtitsa via Karlovo. Karlovo is situated in the northern part of Karlovo valley, the Rose Garden of Bulgaria, picturesquely surrounded by the Balkan Range and the low mountain spurs of Sredna Gora Mountain. Being a quickly developing town, Karlovo combines the modernity of the present with the traditions, cultural and historical heritage of the past. In the park, one can also see the beautiful waterfall Suchurum (Spraying water) on the Stara River.
On can be acquainted with the history of Karlovo in the national museum “Vasil Levski” and the museum of history.
The old town of Karlovo is famous with its 115 houses and monuments of culture. Spacious and functional, the houses are of high architectural value and still preserve the charm of the old days. In the center of the old town, at the square between the two churches, stands the impressive monument of Vasil Levski, built in 1907. – Koprivshtitsa is situated at the foot of the Balkan mountain –near to the Topolnitsa river, at 1060 meters above the sea level. It is town-museum and national history and archeological museum from Bulgarian Revival Period. The architecture of the town is in revival style - narrow streets, triangular squares, cobblestone pavement, a lot of fountains, stone arc bridges. Koprivshtitsa is the most famous museum-town of the Bulgarian National Revival (17th – 19th century) with unique architecture and picturesque nature, abounding in life, harmony and beauty. This is the birthplace of some of the most distinguished Bulgarians who have great contribution to the social and cultural life of the country ) - Tour of Koprivshtitsa museum town - (Koprivshtitsa is one of the few thoroughly preserved architectural urbanized ensembles of the Revival Period. The Revival Period houses with colorful courtyards, surrounded with high stone walls and gates, the disorderly built curved and narrow cobblestone little streets and plots, the numerous stone fountain contributes to the attractiveness of the little town. The greatest wealth of Koprivshtitsa are its Revival Period houses, part of which were turned into museums. One of these museums is the Oslekov's House. The home of Georgi Benkovski – the leader of the April Uprising is also interesting. The wooden gun, the banner of the Flying Detachment of armed volunteers sewed by Raina Popgeorgieva and the arms of the Voyvoda are the most priceless relics of that tempestuous time. Also interesting is the house of Luben Karavelov that acquaints the tourists with the revolutionary and journalistic activities of one of the most prominent sons of Koprivshtitsa and Bulgaria. The Dimcho Debelianov House – the life and the literally activities of the most lyrical Bulgarian poet are reflected in it. Except this houses the tourists can visit the church “St. Nikolai” and the “Mausoleum – Ossuary – 20 th April” devoted to those who died during the April Uprising. Todor Kableshkov and Kableshkov's House should not be missed. ). Dinner and overnight in Sofia.

Day 8: SOFIA – border – Dardanelles - Troy - ASSOS
In the morning drive to Turkish Bulgarian border. Cross the border noon time. After lunch cross the Dardenells by ferry boat to Asia. Visit the site of
Troy, the homeric city. Dinner and overnight in Assos.

Day 9: ASSOS – Pergamum - IZMIR
After a lovely drive to
Pergamum, lunch in town. Visit the Acropolis of Helenistic Pergamum. Among its buildings are the Altar of Zeus and the temples of Trajan & Dionysus. Visit the Asclepion, the earliest health center of Asia Minor. Continue to Izmir. Dinner and overnight.

Day 10: IZMIR – Ephesus - KUSADASI
Morning drive to Ephesus. Visit the
Basilica of St. John’s, his tomb and the House of Virgin Mary. Afternoon tour Ephesus with its legendary marble streets, the magnificent amphitheatre, Hadrian Temple and Celcus Library. Reach Kusadasi for dinner. In evening stroll through the shops and overnight.

After breakfast drive to Pamukkale. En route visit Aphrodisias
, the city of Aphrodite, an ancient city of sculpture and arts. Tour the theater and the magnificent stadium. Afternoon arrive to Pamukkale, the "cotton castle" so named because of limestone hot springs and spectacular white rock formations. Overnight in Pamukkale.

After a leisurely breakfast, stroll in the ancient Roman city of
Hierapolis with theatre, baths, necropolis. Continue on the "Turqoise Coast" of the Mediterranean. Dinner and overnight in Antalya..

Day 13 : ANTALYA
After a leisurely breakfast, full day exploration of the ancient Pamphylian cities;
Perge with colonnaded streets, and the stadium, Aspendos theatre whose acoustics unrivalled. After lunch, spend the time at the seaside town of Side, visited by St. Paul and which was a bishopric of the early Christian Church. Stay the night at Antalya.

Morning head north to
Konya, the capital of the Seljuk Empire. On the way visit Catalhoyuk, one of the oldest settlements of the world and home to ancient Neolithic people. Dinner and overnight in Konya.

Spend the morning touring the highlights of Konya’s architectural and religous legacy. Visit the
Mevlana Museum Monastery of Whirling Dervishes, the Ince Minare and Karatay Medrese Islamic Theological Schools. Drive to Cappadocia. Stop at the Sultanhan Caravanserai. Stay the night at Cappadocia.

Start out early for a full day’s excursion into the magical land of Cappadocia. The region was first settled by ancient people then home to Romans, early Christians, Byzantines and Seljuks. Visit
Goreme Church Valley, Zelve, Avanos, Ortahisar and Uchisar, and see some of the many churches carved into the rocks. Dinner and overnight.

Early morning drive to Kayseri for your flight to Istanbul. Upon arrival
start tour of the best of Istanbul's stunning architecture and attractions. The impressive Hippodrome is your first stop. Then visit the Blue Mosque named for the vivid Iznik tiles which line its interior. Browse the amazing Topkapi Palace-official residence of the Ottoman Sultans-with courts, pavilions, mosques, fountains and a treasury. After lunch vist the jewel in Turkey's Byzantine crown-the Museum of St Sophia. This splendid Church of Divine Wisdom was originally built in the 4th century AD and was lovingly restored in the 1900s, reflecting the true history of the glorious city of Istanbul. At the end of the day enjoy shopping at the Grand Bazaar.

Day 18: Departure

Transfer to Istanbul airport for your flight to your next destination.

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