Going overland, they passed through TARSUS (Turkey), going again to DERBE (Karaman, Turkey), LYSTRA (Hatunsaray, Turkey) where they were joined Timothy (Acts 16.1-3), ICONIUM (Konya, Turkey), PISIDIAN ANTIOCH (Yalvac, Turkey), from where they went north to DORYLAEUM (Eskisehir, Turkey). Here they wanted to continue to BITHINIA (Bursa, Turkey), but guided by Holy Sprit, they went instead to TROAS (Dalyan, Ezine, Turkey) where Paul had a dream telling him to go to MACEDONIA (Greece). Stopping on the way at SAMOTRACIA (Island of Samotraki, Greece) and NEAPOLIS (Kavala, Greece), they went to PHILIPPI (Greece) where they stayed in the house of Lydia who came from Thyatira (Akhisar, Turkey) (Acts 16.14-15). The curing of a young lady possessed with an evil sprit led to his imprisonment, but having converted his jailer and family during an earthquake, he was publicly freed by the magistrates when they learned he was a Roman citizen (Acts 16.3 8).
From PHILIPPI he vNent to THESSALONICA (Greece) and BEROEA (Veroia, Greece) where he converted many Gentiles; but in both places trouble was stirred up by the Jews and he was forced to leave. At ATHENS (Greece) he changed his method of preaching to go with the interests of the crowd, but, with no success (Acts 17.16-34). He then went to CORINTH (Greece) where he stayed for nearly two years. (51-52 AD.) and wrote his epistles to the Thessalonians, found a flourishing Church, and after strenuous murk returned by way of EPHESUS (Turkey), CNIDUS (Turkey), CAESAREA, THYRE and SIDON to ANTIOCH (Antakya, Turkey) to complete his SECOND MISSIONARY JOURNEY.
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